Blue Wave - Services

Our Expertise: Evaluation

  • Comprehensive Evaluation Experience: BlueWave Consulting specializes in program and project evaluation, impact studies, policy assessments, and results-based management with over 15 years of experience across more than 50 countries.
  • Diverse Methodologies: We employ tailored methodologies such as case studies, surveys, qualitative analysis, outcome mapping, randomized control trials, participatory evaluation, most significant change, contribution analysis, and utilization-focused evaluation to meet each project's unique needs.
  • Global and Sectoral Expertise: Our portfolio includes evaluations in governance, social development, energy and environment, climate change, and more, demonstrating our capacity to deliver high-quality results at all levels, from country to global initiatives.

Services Offered

  • Program Design and Formulation: We provide support in developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks, formulating strategic plans, and preparing annual reports, ensuring that your organization is equipped with robust results-based management tools.
  • Evidence-Based Insights: Our services extend to delivering actionable recommendations and evidence-based insights to help clients maximize their impact and achieve sustainable and meaningful change.
Blue Wave