Blue Wave - Services

Our Expertise: Public Finance

  • Extensive Public Financial Management Tools: With two decades of experience, we provide comprehensive consulting services, including costing programs, cost-benefit analyses, financial modeling, fiscal space analysis, and more, applied in diverse contexts from Canada to Bahrain.
  • Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks: Our expertise includes developing frameworks with outcomes, performance measures, monitoring systems, and quantitative targets, aimed at rationalizing program implementation and improving service delivery.
  • Sector-Specific Expertise: We focus on social services, education, and early childhood development, conducting costing analyses, developing financing mechanisms, and supporting investment cases across numerous countries.

Services Offered

  • Public Financial Management Reforms: We support governments in reforming public financial management systems, strengthening the links between sector strategies, poverty reduction strategies, and budget processes, and building capacity in budget formulation, execution, accounting, and auditing.
  • Expert Recommendations for Service Delivery: Our services include providing evidence-based recommendations to enhance program implementation, improve service delivery, and ensure effective, efficient, and transparent financial management.
Blue Wave